Assure360 Incident lets supervisors and health and safety teams capture incident details from any location. Data is seamlessly synchronised with Assure360’s cloud database for detailed reporting and trend analysis. And with version two, we’ve added Android support and thoroughly overhauled the design, making it easier to use than ever!
Download now for iPad, iPhone or Android devices.
Good health and safety management requires the speedy recording of accidents, incidents and - especially importantly - near misses. Assure360 Incident saves time when recording essential incident and accident information, and ensures vital information is available to the health and safety team. Our accident reporting app delivers:
Assure360 Incident helps you reduce incidents and accidents in the future by capturing and acting on health and safety events today. Our near-miss reporting app is created by a team that fundamentally understands the industry, and is built to help you maintain the strongest possible health and safety culture.
Near misses are the incidents and accidents that didn’t quite happen. More than a potential pub anecdote, they’re a vital warning of processes, safeguards or a health and safety culture that isn’t working. It’s critical to capture every near miss, incident and accident, and analyse them. Only then can you act on the warnings they might provide.
Our incident reporting app reduces the barriers to recording near-misses and incidents. Paperless, accurate and quick, it helps ensure incidents aren’t overlooked, and that near-misses aren’t just shrugged off as lucky escapes.