Assure 360

Assure360 – Innovation Finalists at the Contamination Expo 2016

Thursday September 15th 2016

Read a preview of what we’ll be showcasing and talking about at the Contamination Expo 2016.

Asbestos blasting techniques – is the end nigh?

Demolition in progress

Monday June 27th 2016

Read our summary of the draft guidance on asbestos blasting techniques from the latest ALG meeting minutes.

Competence in the asbestos removal industry

Tuesday November 17th 2015

Read our summary and critique of the latest ARMI guidance on competence in the asbestos industry.

Asbestos removal and transiting – why do they always get it wrong?

Monday September 28th 2015

Why is transiting guidance so often disregarded in asbestos removal? Here’s what we think.

Better H&S – risk assessment vs prescription

Monday July 13th 2015

Find out why we’re making the case for a risk assessment approach to asbestos management and how to improve things.

Why the Brits are best at health and safety

Tuesday June 16th 2015

We take a look at European health and safety regulations and where we can take learnings for Britain.

Is Chrysotile dangerous? Myths debunked at EAF15

Monday June 1st 2015

Find out what we learned about Chrysotile and asbestos at the first European Asbestos Forum in Amsterdam.

Confined spaces – an under the radar asbestos update

Monday April 20th 2015

The Confined Space ACoP was amended in December last year – find out what we think the impact will be.

Asbestos removal and CDM – the elephant in the room

Monday March 16th 2015

Read our thoughts on changes in asbestos CDM removal regulations and how they relate to our industry.

Asbestos exposure monitoring – not licence renewal already?

Monday February 16th 2015

We think exposure monitoring is more than just another regulatory requirement – read why.

Asbestos training – change by stealth? (Part 2)

Monday January 12th 2015

We explain what changes are going to happen within the training architecture and what this will mean.

Asbestos training – change by stealth? (Part 1)

Tuesday January 6th 2015

Many people know the current asbestos training architecture but is that going to change?

Competence schemes – the good, the bad and the ugly

Tuesday December 9th 2014

What makes a good competence scheme – or indeed a bad one? Read our advice.

Extra red tape or what you’re doing anyway? ALG competence guidance

Thursday December 4th 2014

Read our expert take on the ALG draft guidance on how to design a competence scheme.