Assure 360

It’s important to us that every Assure360 user gets the best from our system and apps, so our account director, Rick Garland, is starting up quarterly support webinars. In these free sessions, Rick will be bringing customers up to speed with recent developments in the system. Each session will also feature a Q&A, which will include time for users to suggest future development ideas.

I’m delighted to announce that the first session will be on Tuesday 16th July at 10am. We’d love for as many customers as possible to join us, but the webinars are also open to anyone who’s interested in seeing how Assure360 could benefit their business. Just use the form below to sign up!


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"Paperless is a more efficient way of doing the paperwork on site. It means nothing gets lost or mislaid or has a cup of coffee spilt over it, and you can always read it because there's no handwriting."
Phil Neville, Operations Director, Asbestech,